MamaLovePrint Printable - 早教教材 [動物篇] 海報 字卡 填色工作紙 Learning Animals Collection Posters Flashcards Coloring Pages Free Download Freebies Printable

Mama Love Print Printable - Learning Animals Collection

Free printable art for kids!

Here we have free animal printables for teaching and decoration. This collection includes 28 animals with posters and flashcards for your kids in kindergarten & preschool. We have lots of animals coloring pages ready to be colored. Kids love coloring cats, dogs, horses, and much more. Find what is their favorite animal to color now!

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Learning Animals Collection
  1. 動物海報 A4/A3 Poster - Set 1 共14頁 PDF 
  2. 動物海報 A4/A3 Poster - Set 2 共14頁 PDF
  3. 動物字卡 Flash Cards 共7頁 PDF
  4. 動物字卡 Flash Cards Activity (圖字分開) 共10頁 PDF
  5. 動物填顏色工作紙 Coloring Pages - Set 1 共14頁 PDF 
  6. 動物填顏色工作紙 Coloring Pages - Set 2 共14頁 PDF 

Mama Love Print Printable - Learning Animals 
