- 閱讀報告 模板 (三套)
- K1 - 中文常見字 多圖 (共20本)
- K2A - 中文常見字 (共20頁)
- K2A - 中文量詞 (共5本 - 身體部位﹑水果﹑簡單物品﹑自然﹑動物)
- K2A - 漢字結構 - 上下結構字 / 左右結構字
- K2A - 姓名
- K2B - 中文部首
- K2B - 中文認字卡
- K3A - 相反詞 / 反義詞 (一)
- K3A - 相反詞 / 反義詞 (二)
- K3A - 中文漢字基本筆劃和筆順
- K3A - 中文部首和配詞
- K3B - 中文部件 識字加減法
- K3A - 句子基本結構 - 二素句
- K3B - 句子基本結構 - 三素句
- K3B - 句子基本結構 - 四素句
- K3B - 漢字結構 - 上中下結構字
- K3B - 漢字結構 - 左中右結構字
- K3B - 漢字結構 - 全包圍結構字
- K3B - 漢字結構 - 上下包結構字
- K3B - 漢字結構 - 綜合練習題
- K3B - 中文部首和配詞工作紙 一 (共20本)
- K3B - 中文部首和配詞工作紙 二 (共20本)
- K3B - 簡易閱讀理解
- K3B - 標點符號 一 (逗號、句號、問號、感嘆號)
- K3B - 中文認字頁 [New]
- K3 - 中文句子理解
- K3B - 中文認讀句子
- P1 - 中文量詞 (一)(二)
- P1 - 中文量詞 (三) (四) (五) (六)
- P1 - 常用字 / 常見字 一
- P1 - 造句練習
- P1- 重組句子
- P1 - 形容詞 (一)
- P1 - 形容詞 (二)
- P1 - 閱讀理解
- P1 - 閱讀理解 古詩誦賞
- P1 - 閱讀理解 書信
- P1 - 閱讀理解 + 寫字 [New]
- P1 - 寫作 (一) : 二素句
- P1 - 寫作 (二) : 三素句
- P1 - 寫作 (三) : 四素句
- P1 - 寫作 : 改寫句子
- P1 - 寫作 : 基本行為句 人看句 , 人聽句, 人說句, 人動句, 人想句 , 人感句
- P1 - 形近字
- P1 - 相同部件字 [New]
- P1 - 漢字結構 (七) . 左右相等、左小右大、左大右小結構字 + 上下相等、上小下大、上大下小結構字
- P1 - 結構助詞 - 的、得、地 [New]
- P1 - 語氣助詞 - 了、吧、嗎、啊 [New]
- P1 - 人稱代詞(一) (我, 你, 他, 她, 牠, 它)
- P1 - 人稱代詞 (二) 我們, 你們, 他們, 她們, 牠們, 它們 [New]
- P1 - 選詞填充
- P1 - 綜合練習 (附答案)
- P1 - 賀卡寫作練習 (附答案)
- P2 - 中文部首和配詞工作紙 (三) (共10本)
- P2 - 閱讀認字造句 (5篇)
- P2 - 綜合練習 (附答案)
- P2 - 寫作 - 模擬試卷 (一) (二) [New]
- P2 - 寫作 - 邀請卡 (5篇) [New]
- P2 - 寫作 - 書信 (10篇) [New]
- P2 - 寫作 - 短文創作 (15篇)
- P2 - 寫作 - 短文創作 (5篇) [New]
- P2 - 寫作 - 詞語
- P3 - 寫作成語 諺語 [New]
💟👀🔑 英文 English
- Book Report (3 sets)
- PreK - Sight Words
- Alphabet Posters with Cookies and Chocolate 早教英文字母 (甜品篇)
- Alphabet Posters with Monsters 早教英文字母 (怪獸卡通)
- Alphabet Posters with Animals 早教英文字母 (動物)
- K1 - A to Z Pen Control
- K1 - A to Z Big and Small letters 大階小階
- K1 - Practice A to Z Dictation
- K1 - Colours Flashcards and Posters
- K2B - Sight Words (opposite)_英文常見詞 (相反詞)
- K2B - Sight Words
- K2 - Big and Small
- K2 - Long and Short
- K3A - Action Words
- K3A - Christmas Words
- K3 - Preposition
- K3 - Opposite Words - Set 1
- K3 - Opposite Words for Kids - Set 2
- K3 - Grammar Pronoun (Book 1 - he / she / it , Book 2 - it is)
- K3 - Grammar (I am / You are / We are)
- K3 - Grammar (a / an)
- K3 - Grammar (This is /That is)
- K3B - Stretch a Sentence
- K3B - Punctuation
- K3B - Articles Grammar Unit (a / an)
- K3B - Grammar (I am / We are)
- K3B - Alphabet Practice
- P1 - Basic Grammar - Capital Letters
- P1 - Basic Grammar - Singular and Plural Nouns
- P1 - Basic Grammar - Demonstrative: This, That, These, Those
- P1 - Basic Grammar - Possessive Adjective: my, his, her, your, its
- P1 - Basic Grammar - Verb To Be: is , am, are
- P1 - Basic Grammar - Have and Has
- P1 - Basic Grammar - What is it? What are they? Plural noun
- P1 - Basic Grammar - Present Simple Tense
- P1 - Basic Grammar - Present Continuous
- P1 - Basic Grammar - Present Simple and Present Continuous
- P1 - Basic Grammar - Can, Cannot
- P1 - Basic Grammar - Do, Does, Do not, Does not
- P1 - Basic Grammar - Questions Words (1) What and Who (2) How and How many (3)When Where
- P1 - Basic Grammar - Prepositions (1) In On Under (2) In front of , Behind, Between
- P1 - Basic Grammar - Greetings
- P1 - Basic Grammar - Adjectives
- P1 - Writing - Student Card Form
- P1 - Writing - Guided Writing
- P1 - Reading
- P1 - Vocabulary - Family and Relatives
- P1 - Vocabulary - School Objects
- P1 - Exam Paper (1)(2) with Answer [New]
- P1 - Opposite Words Bilingual
- P2 - Basic Grammar - Verb Table (Present Simple and Present Continuous)
- P2 - Basic Grammar - Possessive's
- P2 - Basic Grammar - Preposition of place [New]
- P2 - Basic Grammar - Countable and Uncountable Nouns [New]
- P2 - Basic Grammar - Collective Nouns of Food
- P2 - Vocabulary - Clothes [New]
- P2 - Vocabulary - Shapes
- P2 - Exam Paper (1)(2) with Answer [New]
- P2 - Reading Comprehension (Reference)
- P2 - Writing Exercise
- P3 - Grammar Preposition
- P3 - Grammar Preposition of Date
- P3 - Verb Table - Past Tense (Set 1)
- P3 - Verb Table - Past Tense (Set 2)
- P3 - Cursive Writing
- P4 - Irregular Verb Table
- 英文拼音 Learning English Phonics - 1
- 英文拼音 Learning English Phonics - 2
- 英文拼音 Learning English Phonics - 3
- Level 1.1 - AtoZ Poster (Learning Letter Sounds) & Flash Cards
- Level 1.2 - Phonics VC CV
- Level 2.1 - Phonics CVC
- Level 2.2 - Phonics CVCC
- Level 2.3 - Phonics L-Blend - bl , cl , fl , gl , pl
- Level 2.4 - Phonics R-Blend - br ,cr ,dr ,fr ,gr ,pr ,tr
- Level 2.5 - Phonics S-Blend - sc , sk , sl , sm , sn , sp , st , sw
- Level 3.1 - Diagraph - ch , gh , ph , sh , th , wh
- Level 4.1 - Magic E
- Level 4.2 - Short and Long Vowels
- Level 4.3 - Long A / E / I / O / U / OO
- Level 5 - Compound Words [New]
📏📐💯 數學 Math
- 早教數學海報字卡(動物篇) Number Posters and Flashcards with Animals
- 早教數學海報字卡(手指篇) Number Posters and Flashcards with Little Fingers
- Money Cash Banknote Printable 錢幣道具 - 紙幣﹑信用卡和支票
- 數字 1-12 練寫 Pen Control Number 1-12
- PreK - 數一數 剪貼活動 Count Cut and Paste
- PreK - 形狀 剪貼活動 Shapes Cut and Paste
- PreK - 圖形配對 Graphic Matching
- K1 - 0 - 12 練寫中英數目字 Zero to Twelve Copybook
- K1 - 0 - 12 數字海報 Number Posters
- K1 - 數字火車 1 -20 Number Train 1 to 20
- K1 - 大於﹑小於﹑等於﹑不等於 (<20) Greater than, less than, equal to, not equal to
- K1 - 骰子加數 Domino Addition (<10)
- K2 - 數字的英文 (0-12) Number Names
- K2 - 單數和雙數 (<10) / Odd and Even
- K2 - 數字的前後概念 (<30) Before and After
- K2 - 倒數 (<10) Counting Backwards
- K2 - 空間座標 Learning Space and Coordinate
- K2 - 統計圖表 Data Handling
- K2 - [量度] 認識重量 Measuring Object Weight
- K2 - [量度] 認識長度 Measuring Object Length
- K2 - 長和短 (最長和最短) Long and Short (Longest and Shortest)
- K2 - 大於﹑小於﹑等於﹑不等於 (<50) Greater than, less than, equal to, not equal to
- K2 - 數的分解與組合 Number Bonds
- K2 - 數的分解與組合 - 線段圖 Tape Diagram
- K2 - 數線加減法 (<10) Number Line Addition and Subtraction
- K2 - 直式加法 (<10) Addition
- K2 - 直式減法 (<10) Subtraction
- K3A - 加數還是減數 Add or Subtract
- K3A - 符號標記 (<20) Tally Activity
- K3A - 排序 (<100) Sorting Numbers
- K3A - 百格框 100 Grids
- K3A - 單數和雙數運用 Odd and Even Numbers Word Problem [New]
- K3A - 數線加減法 (<20) Number Line addition and subtraction
- K3A - 加減法則 Fact Family
- K3A - 加減練習 (<20) Addition and Subtraction
- K3A - 加減十格框 Ten Frames Addition and Subtraction
- K3A - 倒數 (<20) Counting Backwards
- K3A - 數字的前後概念 (<60) Before and After
- K3B - 數字的前後概念 (<100) Before and After
- K3B - [量度] 溫度和容量 Measuring and Reading Scales
- K3B - [量度] 簡易單位測量 Measuring Length By Using Improvised Unit
- K3B - 11-30 練寫 Eleven To Thirty Number Name Copybook
- K3B - 十位數和個位數 Tens and Ones
- K3B - 直式加法 (<20 不進位) Addition without carrying
- K3B - 直式減法 (<20 不進位) Subtraction without carrying
- K3B - 直式加法 (<20 進位) Addition With Carrying [New]
- K3B - 湊十法 (手指篇) Making Ten (with fingers)
- K3B - 加數文字題 Addition Word Problem [New]
- K3B - 數線連加法和連減法 (3個數字) Number Line Add and Subtract of 3 Numbers
- K3B - 倍數和乘數表 1 Multiplication and Time Tables 1
- K3B - 倍數和乘數表 2 Multiplication and Time Tables 2
- K3B - 象形圖 / Pictogram
- K3B - 數積木 (立方體) Count the Cubes
- K3B - 一打和半打 Dozen and Half Dozen
- K3B - 序數 1 Ordinal Numbers (First, Second and Third)
- K3B - 序數 2 Ordinal Numbers (First to Fifth) [New]
- K3B - 份數 Fractions (one-half, one-third, one-quarter)
- K3B - Price Tags
- P1 - 序數 Set 3 - Ordinal Numbers (First to Tenth)
- P1 - 左右中間 Position - Left, Right and Between
- P1 - 上下中間 Position - Over, Under and Between
- P1 - 前後中間 Position - In front of, Behind and Between
- P1 - Order and Quantity / 次序和數量
- P1 - Making Ten Strategy 湊十法加法運用
- P1 - Making Ten with Blocks for Addition 湊十法積木篇
- P1 - Vertical Subtraction with Borrowing (Across Zeros) 直式借位減法
- P1 - Addition and Subtraction Daily Practice (1)(2) 加減數練習
- P1 - Addition and Subtraction Daily Practice (3)(4) 加減數練習
- P1 - Addition with carrying 加法(進位)
- P1 - Subtraction by Using Ten Strategy 湊十法減法
- P1 - Addition and Subtraction of Two 2-digit Numbers 兩位數加減法練習
- P1 - Addition and Subtraction of Three Numbers 三數連加減法練習
- P1 - Words Problem Addition and Subtraction 加減數文字題
- P1 - Units Place and Tens Place (Abacus) / 十位和個位 (算柱)
- P1 - Place Value Table 位值表
- P1 - 2-digit Numbers (Power Up Exercise 1) / 兩位數(進級題目1) [New]
- P1 - 2-digit Numbers (Power Up Exercise 2) / 兩位數加減 (進級題目2)
- P1 - Composition of Number (2-20) 數字的組合
- P1 - Compare Lengths (Long Short) Compare Heights (Tall Short) Compare Widths (Wide Narrow) Compare Thicknesses (Thick Thin)
- P1 - More and Fewer (1) / 多於少於(1)
- P1 - More and Fewer (2) / 多於少於(2)
- P1 - Method of Counting / 數數方法
- P1 - Counting Onwards and Backwards (Odd and Even Numbers) Exercises
- P1 - 2D Shapes / 平面形狀
- P1 - 3D Shapes / 立體形狀
- P1 - Hong Kong Coins / 香港的硬幣
- P1 - Learning Time (Hour / Half past) / 認識時鐘 以「時正 / 時半」報時
- P1 - Telling Time (Time Interval - hour) / 認識時間 - 經過的時間
- P1 - Learning Month / 認識月份
- P1 - Learning Week / 認識星期
- P1 - 應用題
- P2 - Multiplication Table 乘數表
- P2 - Multiplication Exercises / 乘數-練習
- P2 - Addition Subtraction 加減-練習
- P2 - Addition Subtraction Multiplication 加減乘-練習
- P2 - Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division 加減乘除-練習
- P2 - Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division 加減乘除-高階題目
- P2 - 3-digit Numbers / 三位數
- P2 - Addition and Subtraction of Two 3-digit Numbers 三位數加減法練習
- P2 - Complete 100 Addition and Subtraction 總和100加減法練習
- P2 - Multiplication 0 to 10 乘法練習
- P2 - Division 除法練習
- P2 - Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division 加減乘除練習
- P2 - Method of Counting (Group of 20/25/50/100) / 數數方法
- P2 - Telling Time (Time Intervals - Minute) / 認識時間 - 經過的時間 (分鐘)
- P2 - Date (Problem related to date)
- P2 - Knowing Angles (Right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle) / 角 - 直角 銳角 鈍角
- P2 - Perpendicular Lines
- P2 - Knowing 3D Shapes / 立體圖形
- P2 - Word Problems / 應用題
- P2 - Directions / 四個主要方向
- P2 - 貨幣的總值和轉換
- P2 - Money Amount Addition and Subtraction
- P2 - Learning Hong Kong Coin and Notes
- P3 - Addition and Subtraction of 4-digit numbers 四位數加減法練習
- P3 - 5-digit Numbers Pattern
- P3 - 24-hour Time
- P3 - 時間 - 秒 , 24小時制
- P3 - 四則運算應用題
- P3 - 直式乘數練習 (兩位數與一位數的乘法)
- P3 - 加減混合計算
- P3 - 公里和毫米
- P3 - 比較重量 克和公斤
- P3 - 四式練習 - 進階
- P3 - Triangles
- P3 - 分數 / Fractions
- 我的家庭 My Family link >>
- 我的一天 My Day link >>
- 我的一天 My Day (K1)
- 我的一周 My Week link >>
- 月份 Months link>>
- 月份 Set 2 Months Set 2
- 一年四季春夏秋冬 Seasons link >>
- 天氣 Weather link >>
- 香港天文台各類警告 The warnings of Hong Kong Observatory [New]
- 聖誕節 Xmas
- Christmas Pack
- 農曆新年揮春/賀年祝福語 Chinese New Year link >>
- 農曆新年揮春
- 農曆新年揮春創作 賀年祝福語
- 農曆新年 Chinese New Year link >>
- 我的生日 My Birthday
- 浮起下沉 Float or Sink
- 不同的物料 Materials
- 認識香港 Hong Kong
- 香港節日 Hong Kong Festivals
- 交通工具 Transportation link >>
- 乘搭巴士 Using Buses
- 我的城市交通 Traffic in Town
- 城市建築物 Buildings in Town [Set 1]
- 城市建築物 Buildings in Town [Set 2]
- 城市建築物 Buildings in Town [Set 3]
- 自然環境 Natural Environment link >>
- 關於農場 About Farm
- 遊樂場 The Playground link >>
- 我的家 My House link >>
- 我的睡房 My Bedroom (K3)
- 家庭電器 Household Appliances link>>
- 電腦部件 Computer Parts
- 我的學校 My School
- 動物 Animals [Set 1]
- 動物 Animals [Set 2]
- 海洋動物 Sea Animals
- 動物與年幼動物 Animals and Their Babies
- 昆蟲 Insects link >>
- 鳥類 Birds
- 植物 Plants
- 生命科學 Life Science
- 動物的分類 - Classification of Animals
- 我的竉物 My Pet
- 我會打招呼 Greetings
- 性格形容詞 Character Adjectives
- 我的感受 My Feelings
- 我的感受 My Feelings - Set2
- 五官感覺 Five Senses
- 味道 - 甜鹹酸苦辣 Tastes & Flavors
- 性格形容詞 Character Adjectives
- 我的身體 My Body
- 疾病 Illnesses [New]
- 人體器官系統 Human Body Organs System
- 職業和工作 Jobs [Set 1] link >>
- 職業和工作 Jobs [Set 2]
- 職業和工作 Jobs [Set 3]
- 關於醫生 About Doctor link>>
- 關於牙醫 About Dentist
- 我是醫生 I am a Doctor
- 我是牙醫 I am a Dentist
- 認關於郵差 About Postman
- 關於消防員 About Fireman
- 認識科學家 About Scientist [New]
- 太陽系Solar System link >>
- 認識地球 Learning About Earth
- 分類回收箱 Recycling Bin
- 我的文具 Stationery Set1 link >>
- 我的文具 Stationery Set2
- 我的衣服 Clothing link >>
- 鞋子 Shoes
- 清潔的物品Things To Keep Us Clean認識不同的運動 Sports
- 認識餐具 Tableware
- 早餐 Breakfast link >>
- 認識水果 Fruits link >>
- 認識蔬菜 Vegetables link>>
- 認識海鮮 Seafood
- 點心 Dim Sum
- 認識甜品和糖果 Desserts & Sweets
- 認識食物 - 飲品
- 認識穀物及穀物製品 Cereal and Their Products
- 認識樂器 Musical Instruments
- 雪櫃裡的食物 My Fridge Food
- 認識左和右 Learning Left and Right
- 認識不同的運動 Sports Set1
- 認識不同的運動 Sports Set2
- 運動會 Sports Day
- 錢幣道具 - 紙幣﹑信用卡和支票 Money Cash Banknote Printable
- 雪糕店 Ice-cream Shop
📐📀💠 顏色和形狀 Colors and Shapes
- 生果篇早教海報和字卡 Learning Fruits and Shape Posters and Flashcards
- 早教形狀海報和字卡 Learning Shape Posters and Flashcards
- PreK - 填色活動 Coloring
- PreK - 邏輯小遊戲 [動物篇] Animals Theme Worksheets
- K1 - 邏輯點線連訓練 Join the dots to complete the patterns
- K1 - 十二個不同的形狀 Learning Shapes
- K1 - 十二個不同的顏色 Learning Colors
- K2 - 顏色與形狀連線 Color and Shape Matching
- K3 - 英文文字題有多少個形狀 How many shapes
- K3 - 平面圖形的邊和角 How many sides and corners
- K3 - 認識立體形狀 Learning 3D Shapes
- K3 - Learning Colors Flashcards Posters
- K3 - 填色頁 Coloring Pages
⏰🌎🕑 時間 Time
- 時鐘模板 Clock Template
- Level 1 (K2) - 學習時針 / Learning Hour Hand
- Level 2 (K2) - 學習時針分針 "時" 和 "30分" / Learning Half Past
- Level 3 (K3) - 學習分針 "15分" 和 "45分" / Learning Quarter past and quarter to
- Level 4 (P1) - 學習分針 "5分" / Learning 5 minutes intervals
- Level 4 (P1) - 學習分針 "5分" (沒有分針刻數) / Learning 5 minutes intervals without numbers
- Level 5 (P1) - 學習分針 "1分" / Learning 1-minute intervals
- Level 5 (P1) - 學習分針 "1分" (沒有分針刻數) / Learning 1-minute intervals without numbers
- Level 6 (P1) - 說時間 / Telling Time
👛💲💳 香港的錢幣 Money Concept
- Level 1 - 認識 "元" Learning Dollars
- Level 2 - 運用 "元" 買食物 - 加數 Shopping Worksheets - Addition
- Level 2 - 運用 "元" 購物 - 剪貼練習 Shopping Worksheets - Cut and Paste
- Level 3 - 認識 "角" Learning Cents
- Level 3 - 運用 "元" 和 "角" - 媽媽的錢包有多少錢? How much money in mother's wallet?
- Level 4 - 認識 "紙幣" Learning Banknote
- Level 4 - 運用 "硬幣" 和 "紙幣" - 爸爸的錢包有多少錢? How much money in father's wallet?
- Level 5 - 運用 "硬幣" 購物 (尾數是 $0.1 / $0.2 ) - 剪貼練習 Shopping Worksheets
- Level 5 - 運用 "硬幣" 購物 (尾數是 $0.1 / $0.2 / $0.5) - 剪貼練習 Shopping Worksheets
- Level 5 - 運用 "硬幣" 購物 - 剪貼練習 Shopping Worksheets - Dollars and Cents
- Level 6 - 文字題購物篇 - 認識昂貴 便宜 購物 價錢
- Level 7 - 運用 "紙幣" 和 "硬幣" - 爸爸的錢包有多少錢 - 剪貼活動 How much money in father's wallet?
- Level 8 - 價錢牌和金額轉換 Price Tag and Amount
- Level 8 - 金額轉換 Exchange Amount
- 錢幣找換 Level 1 - 應找回多少元 活動教學
- 錢幣找換 Level 2 - 應找回多少元和"5角" 活動教學
- 錢幣找換 Level 3 - 應找回多少元、一角和二角 活動教學
- 錢幣找換 Level 4 - 應找回多少元和角 活動教學
- 錢幣找換 Level 5 - 付20元應找回多少元和5角 活動教學
- 錢幣找換 Level 6 - 付20元以內應找回多少元和角 活動教學
- 錢幣找換 Level 7 - 付50元以內應找回多少元和角 活動教學
💗🎨🎈 早教教材 Nursey Teaching Resources
- PreK - Xmas Pack Matching Counting Maze Exercises
- PreK - CNY Pack Matching Counting Maze Exercises
- PreK - Easter Pack Matching Counting Maze Exercises
- Number Flashcards with Vegetables and Fruits 早教數學字卡(蔬果篇)
- Number Posters and Flashcards with Animals 早教數學海報字卡(動物篇)
- Number Posters and Flashcards with Little Fingers 早教數學海報字卡(手指篇)
- Multiplication Tables Posters 乘數表海報
- Alphabet Posters with Cookies and Chocolate 早教英文字母 (甜品篇)
- Alphabet Posters with Monsters 早教英文字母 (怪獸卡通)
- Alphabet Posters with Animals 早教英文字母 (動物)
- Learning Solar System Posters and Flashcards 太陽系銀河星球海報和字卡
- Learning Fruits and Shape Posters and Flashcards 生果篇早教海報和字卡
- Learning Shape Posters and Flashcards 早教形狀海報和字卡
- Learning Animals Posters and Flashcards 早教動物海報和字卡
- Nursery Posters Collection 1 - Decor
- Nursery Posters Collection 2 - Animals
- Nursery Posters Collection 3 - Hearts
- Nursery Posters Collection 4 - Donuts
下圖是我編製的工作紙進度表, 大家可以參考~
Assessment tracking reference :
MamaLovePrint幼兒工作紙一系列的免費網上教材, 主要提供家長或幼兒教育者使用, 歡迎大家分享連結 ! MamaLovePrint shares a series of online
teaching materials for homeschooling
children. All parents and educators are
welcome to use it !
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