PreSchool 學前

Preschool Teaching Resources 學前教材 

📝 Worksheets :
📝 Posters :

  1. Number Flashcards with Vegetables and Fruits 早教數學字卡(蔬果篇)
  2. Number Posters and Flashcards with Animals 早教數學海報字卡(動物篇)
  3. Number Posters and Flashcards with Little Fingers 早教數學海報字卡(手指篇)
  4. Multiplication Tables Posters 乘數表海報
  5. Alphabet Posters with Cookies and Chocolate 早教英文字母 (甜品篇)
  6. Alphabet Posters with Monsters 早教英文字母 (怪獸卡通)
  7. Alphabet Posters with Animals 早教英文字母 (動物)
  8. Learning Solar System Posters and Flashcards 太陽系銀河星球海報和字卡
  9. Learning Fruits and Shape Posters and Flashcards 生果篇早教海報和字卡
  10. Learning Shape Posters and Flashcards 早教形狀海報和字卡
  11. Learning Animals Posters and Flashcards 早教動物海報和字卡
  12. Nursery Posters Collection 1 - Decor
  13. Nursery Posters Collection 2 - Animals
  14. Nursery Posters Collection 3 - Hearts
  15. Nursery Posters Collection 4 - Donuts

MamaLovePrint shares a series of online teaching materials for homeschooling children. All parents and educators are welcome to use it !

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