Math 數學

Math Worksheets 數學工作紙 

📝 Preschool Teaching Resources (學前教材)

  1. 早教數學海報字卡(動物篇) Number Posters and Flashcards with Animals 
  2. 早教數學海報字卡(手指篇) Number Posters and Flashcards with Little Fingers 
  3. 數字 1-12 練寫 Pen Control Number 1-12 
  4. PreK - 邏輯小遊戲 [動物篇] Mini Game Animals Theme
  5. PreK - 數一數 剪貼活動 Count, Cut and Paste (4 Sets)            
  6. PreK - 形狀 剪貼活動 Shapes Cut and Paste
  7. PreK - 圖形配對 Graphic Matching
  8. PreK - 聖誕活動 Xmas Pack Matching Counting Maze
  9. PreK - 農曆新年活動 CNY Pack Matching Counting Maze
📝 K1 Math Worksheets : 
  1. K1 - 0 - 12 練寫中英數目字 Zero to Twelve Copybook
  2. K1 - 0 - 12 數字海報 Number Posters
  3. K1 - 數字火車 1 - 20 Number Train 1 to 20
  4. K1 - 大於﹑小於﹑等於﹑不等於 (<20) Greater than, less than, equal to, not equal to
  5. K1 - 骰子加數 Domino Addition (<10)
📝 K2 Math Worksheets : 
  1. K2 - 數字的英文 (0-12) Number Names
  2. K2 - 單數和雙數 (<10)  /  Odd and Even
  3. K2 - 數字的前後概念 (<30) Before and After
  4. K2 - 倒數 (<10) Counting Backwards
  5. K2 - 空間座標 Learning Space and Coordinate
  6. K2 - 統計圖表 Data Handling
  7. K2 - [量度] 認識重量 Measuring Object Weight
  8. K2 - [量度] 認識長度 Measuring Object Length
  9. K2 - 長和短 (最長和最短) Long and Short (Longest and Shortest)
  10. K2 - 大於﹑小於﹑等於﹑不等於 (<50) Greater than, less than, equal to, not equal to
  11. K2 - 數的分解與組合 Number Bonds (7 sets)
  12. K2 - 數的分解與組合 - 線段圖 Tape Diagram
  13. K2 - 數線加減法 (<10) Number Line Addition and Subtraction
  14. K2 - 直式加法 (<10) Vertical Addition
  15. K2 - 直式減法 (<10) Vertical Subtraction
📝 K3 Math Worksheets : 
  1. K3A - 符號標記 (<20) Tally Activity
  2. K3A - 排序 (<100) Sorting Numbers
  3. K3A - 百格框 100 Grids
  4. K3A - 單數和雙數運用 Odd and Even Numbers Word Problem
  5. K3A - 倒數 (<20) Counting Backwards
  6. K3A - 數字的前後概念 (<60)  Before and After
  7. K3A - 數線加減法 (<20) Number Line Addition and Subtraction
  8. K3A - 加數還是減數 Add or Subtract
  9. K3A - 加減法則 Fact Family
  10. K3A - 加減練習 (<20) Addition and Subtraction
  11. K3A - 加減十格框 Ten Frames Addition and Subtraction  
  12. K3B - 數字的前後概念 (<100)  Before and After
  13. K3B - [量度] 溫度和容量 Measuring and Reading Scales
  14. K3B - [量度] 簡易單位測量 Measuring Length By Using Improvised Unit [New]
  15. K3B - 11-30 練寫 Eleven To Thirty Number Name Copybook
  16. K3B - 十位數和個位數 Tens and Ones
  17. K3B - 直式加法 (<20 不進位) Addition without carrying 
  18. K3B - 直式減法 (<20 不進位) Subtraction without carrying
  19. K3B - 直式加法 (<20 進位) Addition With Carrying  [New]
  20. K3B - 湊十法 (手指篇) Making Ten (with fingers)
  21. K3B - 加數文字題 Addition Word Problem [New]
  22. K3B - 數線連加法和連減法 (3個數字) Number Line Add and Subtract of 3 Numbers
  23. K3B - 倍數和乘數表 1 Multiplication and Time Tables 1
  24. K3B - 倍數和乘數表 2 Multiplication and Time Tables 2
  25. K3B - 象形圖  /  Pictogram
  26. K3B - 序數 Set 1 - Ordinal Numbers (First, Second and Third) 
  27. K3B - 序數 Set 2 - Ordinal Numbers (First to Fifth)
  28. K3B - 數積木 (立方體) Count the Cubes 
  29. K3B - 一打和半打 Dozen and Half Dozen
  30. K3B - 份數 Fractions (one-half, one-third, one-quarter)
  31. K3B - Price Tags
📝 P1 Math Worksheets : 
  1. P1 - 左右中間 Position - Left, Right and Between 
  2. P1 - 上下中間 Position - Over, Under and Between 
  3. P1 - 前後中間 Position - In front of, Behind and Between 
  4. P1 - 序數 Set 3 - Ordinal Numbers (First to Tenth)
  5. P1 - Order and Quantity   /  次序和數量
  6. P1 - Making Ten Strategy 湊十法加法運用
  7. P1 - Making Ten with Blocks for Addition 湊十法積木篇
  8. P1 - Vertical Subtraction with Borrowing (Across Zeros) 直式借位減法
  9. P1 - Addition and Subtraction Daily Practice (1)(2) 加減數練習
  10. P1 - Addition and Subtraction Daily Practice (3)(4) 加減數練習  
  11. P1 - Addition with carrying 加法(進位)
  12. P1 - Subtraction by Using Ten Strategy 湊十法減法
  13. P1 - Addition and Subtraction of Two 2-digit Numbers 兩位數加減法練習
  14. P1 - Addition and Subtraction of Three Numbers 三數連加減法練習
  15. P1 - Words Problem Addition and Subtraction 加減數文字 
  16. P1 - Units Place and Tens Place (Abacus)  /  十位和個位 (算柱) 
  17. P1 - Place Value Table 位值表 
  18. P1 - 2-digit Numbers (Power Up Exercise 1) / 兩位數(進級題目1)
  19. P1 - 2-digit Numbers (Power Up Exercise 2)  /  兩位數加減 (進級題目2)
  20. P1 - Composition of Number (2-20) 數字的組合 
  21. P1 - Compare Lengths (Long Short) Compare Heights (Tall Short) Compare Widths (Wide Narrow) Compare Thicknesses (Thick Thin)
  22. P1 - More and Fewer (1)  /  多於少於(1)
  23. P1 - More and Fewer (2)  /  多於少於(2)
  24. P1 - Method of Counting  /  數數方法 
  25. P1 - Counting Onwards and Backwards (Odd and Even Numbers) Exercises
  26. P1 - 2D Shapes  /  平面形狀  
  27. P1 - 3D Shapes  /  立體形狀  
  28. P1 - Hong Kong Coins / 香港的硬幣 
  29. P1 - Learning Time (Hour / Half past) 認識時鐘 以「時正 / 時半」報時 
  30. P1 - Telling Time (Time Interval - hour)  /  認識時間 - 經過的時間 
  31. P1 - Learning Month  / 認識月份 
  32. P1 - Learning Week  / 認識星期 
  33. P1 - 應用題
  34. P1 - 數學科 模擬試卷
📝 P2 Math Worksheets : 
  1. P2 - Multiplication Table 乘數表
  2. P2 - Multiplication Exercises  /  乘數-練習
  3. P2 - Addition Subtraction 三位數 加減-練習
  4. P2 - Addition Subtraction Multiplication 加減乘-練習
  5. P2 - Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division 加減乘除-練習
  6. P2 - Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division 加減乘除-高階題目
  7. P2 - 3-digit Numbers  / 三位數
  8. P2 - Addition and Subtraction of Two 3-digit Numbers 三位數加減法練習
  9. P2 - Complete 100 Addition and Subtraction 總和100加減法練習
  10. P2 - Multiplication 0 to 10 乘法練習
  11. P2 - Division 除法練習
  12. P2 - Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division 加減乘除練習
  13. P2 - Method of Counting (Group of 20/25/50/100) / 數數方法
  14. P2 - Telling Time (Time Intervals - Minute)  /  認識時間 - 經過的時間 (分鐘)
  15. P2 - Date (Problem related to date)
  16. P2 - Perpendicular Lines
  17. P2 - Knowing Angles (Right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle)  /  角 - 直角 銳角 鈍角
  18. P2 - Knowing 3D Shapes  / 立體圖形
  19. P2 - Word Problems  /  應用題
  20. P2 - Directions  /  四個主要方向
  21. P2 - 貨幣的總值和轉換
  22. P2 - Money Amount Addition and Subtraction
  23. P2 - Learning Hong Kong Coin and Notes
  24. P2 - 數學科 模擬試卷
📝 P3 Math Worksheets : 

📝📝📝 More Worksheets 其他科目工作紙 : 

 MamaLovePrint幼兒工作紙一系列的免費網上教材主要提供家長或幼兒教育者使用歡迎大家分享連結 ! MamaLovePrint shares a series of online teaching materials for homeschooling children. All parents and educators are welcome to use it !

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  1. The worksheets are very good. Many thanks for your sharing. If can develop to P4 to P6, it is the best.


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