English 英文

English Worksheets 英文工作紙 

📝 Preschool Teaching Resources (學前教材)

  1. Alphabet Posters Flashcards with Cookies and Chocolate 英文字母 (甜品篇)
  2. Alphabet Posters Flashcards with Monsters 英文字母 (怪獸卡通)
  3. Alphabet Posters Flashcards with Animals 英文字母 (動物)
  4. Alphabet Posters on Amazon >> 
  5. PreK - Mini Game - Animals Theme
  6. PreK - Count, Cut and Paste 
  7. PreK - Shapes Cut and Paste
  8. PreK - Graphic Matching
  9. PreK - Xmas Pack Matching Counting Maze
  10. PreK - CNY Pack Matching Counting Maze
  11. PreK - Sight Words
  12. Prek - Workbooks on Amazon >>
📝 K1 English Worksheets : 
  1. K1 - A to Z Pen Control
  2. K1 - A to Z Big and Small letters 大階小階
  3. K1 - Practice A to Z Dictation
  4. K1 - Colours Flashcards and Posters
  5. K1 - Workbooks on Amazon >>

📝 K2 English Worksheets : 
  1. K2 - Sight Words (10 books)
  2. K2 - Simple Opposite Words for Kids (10 Sets)
  3. K2 - Workbooks on Amazon >>

📝 K3 English Worksheets : 
  1. K3 - Vocabulary - Actions Words
  2. K3 - Vocabulary - Christmas Words
  3. K3 - Vocabulary - Opposite Words - Set 1
  4. K3 - Vocabulary - Opposite Words - Set 2
  5. K3 - Basic Grammar - Preposition (Bilingual worksheets Chinese English)
  6. K3 - Basic Grammar - Pronoun (Book 1 - he , she , it  , Book 2 - it is)
  7. K3 - Basic Grammar - Personal Pronoun and BE (I am , We are)
  8. K3 - Basic Grammar - Personal Pronoun and BE (I am , You are , We are)
  9. K3 - Basic Grammar - Indefinite Articles (a , an)
  10. K3 - Basic Grammar - Demonstratives (This is /That is)
  11. K3 - Writing - Stretch a Sentence
  12. K3 - Writing - Alphabet Practice
  13. K3 - Writing - Punctuation
  14. K3 - Workbooks on Amazon >>

📝 P1 English Worksheets : 
  1. P1 - Basic Grammar - Indefinite Articles (a , an , X)
  2. P1 - Basic Grammar - Capital Letters  
  3. P1 - Basic Grammar - Singular and Plural Nouns
  4. P1 - Basic Grammar - Demonstrative: This, That, These, Those
  5. P1 - Basic Grammar - Possessive Adjective: my, his, her, your, its
  6. P1 - Basic Grammar - Verb To Be: is , am, are 
  7. P1 - Basic Grammar - Have and Has 
  8. P1 - Basic Grammar - What is it? What are they? Plural noun 
  9. P1 - Basic Grammar - Verbs - Present Simple Tense 
  10. P1 - Basic Grammar - Verbs - Present Continuous Tense 
  11. P1 - Basic Grammar - Verbs - Present Simple Tense and Present Continuous Tense
  12. P1 - Basic Grammar - Can, Cannot 
  13. P1 - Basic Grammar - Do, Does, Do not, Does not
  14. P1 - Basic Grammar - Questions Words (1) What and Who (2) How and How many (3)When Where
  15. P1 - Basic Grammar - Prepositions (1) In On Under (2) In front of , Behind, Between 
  16. P1 - Basic Grammar - Greetings 
  17. P1 - Basic Grammar - Adjectives
  18. P1 - Writing - Student Card Form
  19. P1 - Writing - Guided Writing
  20. P1 - Reading 
  21. P1 - Vocabulary - Family and Relatives
  22. P1 - Vocabulary - School Objects
  23. P1 - Exam Paper (1)(2) with Answer
  24. P1 - Opposite Words Bilingual
  25. P1 - Workbooks on Amazon >>
  26. P1 - English Exam Mock Paper >>

P2 English Worksheets : 
  1. P2 - Basic Grammar - Verb Table (Present Simple and Present Continuous)
  2. P2 - Basic Grammar - Possessive 's
  3. P2 - Basic Grammar - Preposition of place - in, on, at, next to, in front of, opposite, behind, between
  4. P2 - Basic Grammar - Countable and Uncountable Nouns
  5. P2 - Basic Grammar - Collective Nouns of Food
  6. P2 - Vocabulary - Clothes
  7. P2 - Vocabulary - Shapes
  8. P2 - Exam Paper (1)(2) with Answer
  9. P2 - Reading Comprehension (Reference)
  10. P2 - Writing Exercise
  11. P2 - Grammar Exercises on Amazon >>
  12. P2 - Workbooks on Amazon >>
  13. P2 - English Exam Mock Paper >>

📝 P3 English Worksheets : 

📝 Phonics Worksheets : 

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