MamaLovePrint . Grade 1 Math Worksheets . Position - Left, Right and Between PDF Free Download (With Answer) 小一英文數學

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「Position - Left, Right and Between」英文工作紙範圍包括 Left, Right and Between (在左邊, 在右邊和在中間),透過不同的練習去訓練小朋友不同的位置和方向。

工作紙以3個物件 (objects) 為基本練習, 讓小朋友分清楚不同的位置和正確的表述方法。後續還有 in front / behind (在前面 / 在後面) 和 over / under ( 在上面 / 在下面 )。

Position - Left, Right and Between - Worksheets (10 Pages PDF) :

  • A is on the ( left / right ).
  • A in ( in / between) B and C.

MamaLovePrint . Grade 1 Math Worksheets . Position - Left, Right and Between PDF Free Download (With Answer) 小一英文數學

MamaLovePrint 主題工作紙 -  Position - Left, Right and Between (在左邊, 在右邊和在中間) 英文工作紙 幼稚園常識 Worksheets Vocabulary Exercise for Kindergarten School Printable Freebies Daily Activities

MamaLovePrint 主題工作紙 -  Position - Left, Right and Between (在左邊, 在右邊和在中間) 英文工作紙 幼稚園常識 Worksheets Vocabulary Exercise for Kindergarten School Printable Freebies Daily Activities

MamaLovePrint 主題工作紙 -  Position - Left, Right and Between (在左邊, 在右邊和在中間) 英文工作紙 幼稚園常識 Worksheets Vocabulary Exercise for Kindergarten School Printable Freebies Daily Activities

Position - Left, Right and Between


